How to walk a dog and push a stroller?

Are you looking for an exciting way to multitask? How about walking a dog and pushing a stroller at the same time – it might sound like an impossible task, but it’s doable!

Whether you’re a busy parent trying to get your little one out of the house for some fresh air or need some exercise to enjoy with your furry friend, this post will show you how to take on two activities simultaneously.

Read on to learn more about mastering this epic multitasking challenge.

How to walk a dog and push a stroller

Practice walking with just the stroller.

Take your dog for regular walks without the stroller before attempting to combine them both.

Before you even think about combining walking a dog and pushing a stroller, learning the basics of each one is essential.

Take your dog for regular walks without a stroller before attempting to combine them both so that when it comes time to try out the double-duty activity, your pet is comfortable with being on a leash next to the stroller.

The same goes for pushing the stroller – get used to the weight and feel of it before adding your dog into the mix.

You’ll be glad you took the time to master each skill separately when everything comes together later on.

Once you’re equipped with the right gear and have gone on a few separate practice runs, it’s time to try out walking a dog and pushing a stroller.

Keep the Leash loose while walking with your dog alongside the stroller.

To keep the focus on your dog while you are pushing the stroller, make sure to keep their Leash relatively loose.

This will give them some freedom and allow them to explore their surroundings without being constantly tethered to you.

Get them accustomed to walking beside the stroller

Your dog must be trained adequately before attempting this multitasking feat, so work with them to perfect their heel command and other obedience commands necessary when out on a walk.

It’s also important to watch your dog while they explore – you want to ensure they stay safe!

Establish Ground Rules

Decide on which side your dog should walk and what obstacles, like other dogs or cyclists, you need to navigate around.

Establishing rules and deciding who takes the lead while walking your dog can make all the difference.

Whether it’s your dog strutting confidently beside you, their little legs working double-time to keep up with your pace, or you are slowing down to match their speed – setting ground rules is the key!

You can even plan out which sides of the street to stay on or obstacles to steer clear of, like other dogs, cyclists, or unsuspecting joggers (who may not be expecting a wagging dog companion).

Establishing basic rules and guidelines before venturing out can help create a smooth (and fun!) walk for you both.

Securely fasten the Leash.

Make sure your dog is securely attached so it can’t run off while you’re pushing the stroller.

Taking your dog for a walk is always so fun, especially when you can get some bonus cardio with the help of a stroller.

However, it’s essential to make sure your dog can’t lead you on a separate journey;

securely attaching the Leash to their collar or harness is imperative for keeping them safely nearby.

The last thing you want is for them to run off, leaving you pushing an empty stroller, and when you eventually find them again having a grand old time without you!

Practice Makes Perfect

Take some practice strolls at home, walk your dog, and push a stroller before heading out in public.

While some may call it over-preparation, I like to consider it as “leave no stone unturned.”

Before heading out on your public walk with a stroller and pooch, practice at home!

Even if it’s just around the block or in your local park, take a few practice strolls that simulate some obstacles you may face outdoors and build your confidence for when the real test awaits you.

Find the Right Speed

Dogs often have shorter strides than humans, so go slower than usual when pushing the stroller and walking your dog side-by-side.

Moving with your dog side-by-side can be a great way to bond over a stroll, but be sure not to push the pace!

It’s natural for humans to go faster than our canine companions, but do yourself and your dog a favor by slowing it down and keeping the pace comfortable.

Letting your dog linger with their nose in the grass or move around freely will keep them happy and both of you content on your journey.

Consider this an opportunity to savor the great outdoors with an enthusiastic partner.

Reward good behavior

rewards work wonders when training a pup, so dole out snacks or verbal praise when they walk correctly next to the stroller!

Rewards can be one of the most effective tools in training our furry friends, so make sure to dole out yummy treats or verbal praise when your dog is walking nicely beside you.

Be mindful of how far ahead your dog is or if they are going too slow, and reward them for staying close – it won’t be long before they start recognizing the rewards each time they stick to the plan!

Remember, every dog is different, and extra practice strolling can help make walking with a stroller and pooch an enjoyable (and safe) experience for both of you.

So go ahead and enjoy that grand adventure – your pup will thank you for it!

Enjoy Your Outings

Don’t forget to take advantage of your canine companion’s knack for sniffing out exciting smells and spotting interesting sights!

Take your dog along for your next outing, and you’ll be rewarded with their best tricks – smelling every flower, loving every lamppost, and investigating the unknown.

By being open to curious new experiences, your dog will help you appreciate everything the world offers in a way you could never have experienced alone!

Turn that errand run into a fun adventure today with your furry best friend – they say every journey begins with a tiny step…or one enthusiastic tail wag!

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about how to walk a dog and push a stroller:

What is the best way to train a dog not to pull?

Teaching your dog to walk on a loose lead is all about positive reinforcement-show them that when they stop pulling, and there’s slack in the lead, they get


So the next time your dog tries tugging you around, stop walking.

Don’t pull them back on their lead; wait until they relax and reward them before you start walking again.

With consistency, patience, and rewards, your dog will soon learn to enjoy their daily walks without pulling!

What is the dog calming code?

To get your pup the perfect canine companion, they’ll need to understand some essential commands like Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Heel, Off, and No.

With consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, your pup will soon learn how to respond to these commands and become a good canine citizen!

In conclusion

Bringing your dog along on your next outdoor adventure doesn’t have to be a chore – with the right gear, attitude, and safety measures, you can embark on a walk that neither of you will soon forget.

With practice, patience, and plenty of exciting smells for your dog to follow, you and your four-legged companion will be ready to take anything from a stroll around the block to an all-day excursion through the park!

So why not give this enjoyable activity a try? You never know how much fun the two of you could have!

If you have any further tips or questions about taking your pup strolling in style – leave a comment below or visit my other blog posts for more information!

Matan Cohen
Matan Cohen

Hey there! I'm the owner of Dogs of Love. I'm crazy about dogs - especially walking with them, so I built this website about the best dog strollers. I love spending time with my furry friends, and I'm always looking for new ways to make their lives easier and more fun. Stay tuned for more great tips and guides from Dogs of Love!

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About Me

I’m Matan and since I remember myself I love dogs. I’m the owner of Dogs of Love, a website all about the best dog strollers. I built this website because I’m crazy about dogs and I want to help other dog lovers find the perfect stroller for their canine companions.

I’ve been around dogs my entire life and there’s nothing I love more than spending time with them. My dog, a Shih Tzu named Joy, is my best friend. I know that not every person is as lucky as I am to have a furry friend by their side, so that’s why I created Dogs of Love: to help others find the perfect dog stroller for their pooch.

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